A week with little rain has helped significantly dry up the course and also was very timely with 1000 meters of turf arriving. So far we have laid around 700
Greg’s Greenkeeping Blog November 2019
After an extremely wet October, November has been no different. In recent years we are seeming to have prolonged wet periods or prolonged dry periods, there doesn’t appear to be
Greenkeeping Update 19/11/2019
Continued wet weather is making life difficult still for us to complete project work but also keep the course open for play. All in all though despite the bad weather,
Greenkeeping Update 12/11/2019
Another wet week last week, but fortunately not as bad as previous weeks meaning the course was open for the most part.We’re very happy now that only severe weather results
Greg’s Greenkeeping Blog October 2019
October has been the wettest month of 2019 by far. At the end of September there had been 397 mm’s (approx 16 inches) of rain since the start of the
Greenkeeping Update 29/10/2019
Rather typically the weather spoilt the weekends golf again after a dry week. However, during the winter we have to accept this as a part of living in the UK. We
Greenkeeping Update 22/10/2019
No guesses needed as to where the main challenge presented to the team has come from this last week! After only 397 mm of rain having fallen up to the
Greenkeeping Update 15/10/2019
Last week went reasonably well despite further rain. The course is beginning to get a little wet under foot, however with a few dry days, conditions should quickly become pretty
Greenkeeping Update 8/10/2019
Some substantial rainfall in recent days has been disruptive to course setup and condition. This has forced us to bring some restrictions into place. Buggies have been off on some
Greg’s Greenkeeping Blog September 2019
COURSE REVIEW & WINTER PROGRAM 2019/20 Introduction As we come to the end of another season, we have made plans for the program of work to be undertaken before the