Last week we built the bunker on Toon's Tier finishing work undertaken to that hole this winter. It is likely to be brought into play sometime in March, although the new turf won't be cut out as green until later in the summer. This is to give the turf chance to establish and put down roots without being under as much stress.
Greg’s Greenkeeping Blog January 2017
The new year has started with more of the same in terms of work, with a couple of important additions too.
Update with Johnny 23/1/17
Range Night Well Done to everyone who participated last Tuesday in the New Range League. It was great to see the driving range so busy on a cold Tuesday night!
Update with Alex 23/1/17
4 Club Challenge Results A superb turnout for the 4 Club Challenge. There was not one spot left! Paul Dixon took home the title with 41 points and Lee Preston
Greenkeeping Update with Greg 23/1/17
Last week we spent time mowing greens and approaches with our hand mowers, which helps keep up presentation and playability.
Update with Alex 16/1/17
Quiz Nights at Hunley are Back! One thing I’ve heard many of you mention is that you miss a quiz night at Hunley… From Friday 27th January QUIZ NIGHT is Back!
Update with Johnny 16/1/17
Range Night… Starts TOMORROW 17th January! Fancy taking part in a new range night throughout the winter? One that will help keep your short game sharp? You will be able
Greenkeeping Update with Greg 16/1/17
We have continued with work on the bunkers over the last week, with the new bunkers on Trillo's completed. Snaith's and Fox Covert green side bunkers also received attention, having the base cleaned out ready for new sand.