Merit Table Results: Paul Wilson won this weeks Par Bogey with a great score of 8 up. Paul Forrest was runner up with 7 up and Colin Hart was third
Greenkeeping Update With Greg 11/12/18
Having been away on holiday for a week, the team have had to endure more difficult conditions with heavy rain and now the dreaded fog combining to close the course for the best part of last week.
Update with Johnny 11/12/18
Merit Table Medal Results Richard Oglesby won this weeks Merit Table with a great 67 Nett. Gary Playforth was 2nd with a Nett 68 beating Scott Oglesby on countback. Martin
Update with Johnny 4/12/18
Merit Table Results On Sunday our Winter Merit Table was played. There was some great scoring in nice conditions. Paul Winspear won with a great score of 45 points. Paul
Greenkeeping Update With Greg 27/11/18
Having been away on holiday for a week, the team have had to endure more difficult conditions with heavy rain and now the dreaded fog combining to close the course for the best part of last week.
Greenkeeping Update With Greg 20/11/18
Having been away on holiday for a week, the team have had to endure more difficult conditions with heavy rain and now the dreaded fog combining to close the course for the best part of last week.
Update with Johnny 20/11/18
Captains Drive In This Sunday we held the Annual Captains Drive In Shotgun. Dennis Skelton and Rich Albinson won the Men’s Division with a great score of 48 points. Stuart
Update with Johnny 13/11/18
Captains Drive in this Sunday This Sunday is our Annual Captains Drive In. It will be a 9am Shotgun Start. The format is 4BBB Stableford and will be a random
Greenkeeping Update With Greg 13/11/18
Having been away on holiday for a week, the team have had to endure more difficult conditions with heavy rain and now the dreaded fog combining to close the course for the best part of last week.
Greenkeeping Update With Greg 6/11/18
Having been away on holiday for a week, the team have had to endure more difficult conditions with heavy rain and now the dreaded fog combining to close the course for the best part of last week.