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Greenkeeping Update 18/2/2020

Greenkeeping Update 18/2/2020

The course has certainly felt the full force of the recent storms and the last weekend has seen further devastation.
It is likely to take some time for the course to recover and be again fit for play, not only for it to dry out but also for the Greenkeepers to carry out the clear up.
Please be patient as we will get the course back open as soon as is humanly possible.
On a positive note, water is leaving the course at quite a rate, which gives us hope for a speedy return to playing some golf on the course.

Our work has been centered on smaller fininshing off jobs, repairs and renovations to course furniture and preparing all mowing equipment for the season.

This week will be more of the same, but if possible we hope to try out the installation of an astro turf path. After taking delivery of a large quantity of astro turf last summer, we hope to use this to help cross areas that are notoriously muddy during the winter months.

With the addition of further drainge this autumn, we hope to improve conditions for winter play. By draining the worst areas and by installing clean path ways, we hope to significantly reduce the impact of wet and muddy points that golfers have to negotiate. This will make a significant difference to the enjoyment of winter golf as well as further protecting the course from damage.



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