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Greenkeeping Update with Greg 26/6/2017

Greenkeeping Update with Greg 26/6/2017

There wasn’t much change regarding the course and the work being carried out last week, with regular mowing on all areas occupying the majority of our time. Outside of the short turf we cut and collected a few areas of ‘golfing rough’, bunkers have been tidied up and sand redistributed and there has been some routine maintenance on the machinery.

This week will be more of the same, although the forecast for the week looks pretty wet. This will give us an opportunity to carry out certain tasks that are beneficial during spells of wet weather.


  • Fertiliser will be applied to worn and weak areas of turf.
  • Divots on tees will be repaired with sand/soil and seed
  • Aeration will be carried out by deep spiking compacted areas of the course
  • Fairway mower blades will be sharpened using our grinders
  • Some of the long stems of grass are appearing on fairways, these will be knocked off using a rotary mower
  • Course signage will be tidied up with strimmers
  • Bunkers will be checked for overall sand condition


It’s not a bad thing to get some rain and this season so far hasn’t seen much rainfall. Managing our time and work effectively allows us to be more efficient and get the best out of the course. It’s one of the best things about greenkeeping and means there is always work that can be done, regardless of the weather, maintaining progress on the improvement to the course. Carrying out the tasks listed above during the wet weather, will ultimately free up time when the weather is dry again, with work such as treating clover or cutting and collecting long rough.

This also keeps the team motivated, as we all appreciate variety in our work!

As always please get in touch with any questions, bye for now ☺


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