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Greenkeeping Update with Greg 7/8/2017

Greenkeeping Update with Greg 7/8/2017

I just wanted to start this weeks slot with a quick reminder.

We do our best to have the course presented as well as we can for your enjoyment, we fully accept that we can’t achieve perfection, we have a limited amount of resources and there will inevitably be jobs that we haven’t been able to complete each week.

What is most frustrating, is when we are wasting some of those resources carrying out tasks that we need not be, such as repairing pitch marks or raking bunkers that have been left. Please help us, if you all spend a few seconds looking after these small tasks then the course will improve for you and everyone else. The picture below is pretty embarrassing and no one would be happy to find their ball finish in one of those foot prints.

This also goes for the directions we put out for trolleys and buggies. It only adds a few seconds onto your round, but it will help to prevent worn turf resulting in poor lies right next to the green. It may seem trivial to some of you, but believe me, if everyone were to do their bit the course would be at least 10% better for it!


This week we are top dressing the greens with sand. This is a job we try to do frequently through the growing months to maintain firm, smooth surfaces for play and with the rain that is forecast later on Tuesday, the sand should disappear into the sward pretty quickly.

We also have our summer visit from the STRI (Sports Turf Research Institute) where performance testing will be carried out. Agronomist Adam Newton will be carrying out the testing, as well as giving advice on the overall turf conditions throughout the course. It’s a good way to bench mark for us but also is useful to have another expert assessing the course to offer an alternate view to ours. As usual the report with all results will be available to view shortly after Adam’s visit.

Have a great week and please get in touch if you have any questions!


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