Hello golfers!
The change in weather has brought a change in growth on course, with mown turf areas now growing strongly . This will work in our favour as it allows the turf to thicken and improve appearance, meaning we can now allocate more time towards mowing the turf, as it’s important to keep on top of strong growth to keep the course looking well presented. Some of the thinner fairways and approaches will hopefully begin to improve in this period of warmth after recent rain.
The greens have shown a lot of annual meadow grass seed heads over the last month due to climatic stresses that cause these plants to produce seeds. We will be tailoring our maintenance towards reducing these seed head numbers and push towards better green performance .
Some of the rough is beginning to look beautiful to the eye, although it’s vital to keep monitoring and allocate time towards the cut and collect program once the golfing rough needs controlling . This is an ongoing process and we will also be applying some selective weedkillers to help control the clover and daisy issues on the course.
As mentioned previously, please adhere to the routes dictated by the arrows painted on the approaches, this will really help us control foot traffic issues and help improve the quality of turf ( for things like chipping etc) long term.
Good weather this week , so enjoy your golf!
Tom Coulson