Happy new year to you all! 2017 has been an eventful year and as we move into 2018 there is plenty to be excited about and look forward to.

The course has developed significantly throughout the year, here’s some pictures looking back over 2017.
The reconstruction of Toon’s Tier was a complete success, with feedback suggesting this is now the best Par 3 on the course!
2017 saw the beginning of revetted style green side bunkers being constructed. A total of 12 bunkers were completed during the year.
The condition of the turf in all areas has continued to improve.
Over seeding took place for the first time to increase Fescue populations on the greens. This was very successful and continues the upward curve on the greens botanically.
Rough management is making big improvements to our grasslands, with our goal of fine wispy rough’s becoming ever nearer.
Work on areas out of play area paying off, with habitat for wildlife increasing and the health of our gorse improving greatly.