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Update with Alex 16/10/17

Update with Alex 16/10/17

Presentation Night – SAVE THE DATE

Please keep Saturday the 4th of November free in your diaries! 2016/17 Presentation night is taking place and tickets are available now!

You can purchases tickets online on your MEMBER’S PAGE or in the Pro Shop at any time.

The tables of 8 have filled up very quickly and I only have 2 full tables left so if you haven’t already let me know, then do email me your table of 8.



Sundays 3 Man Texas Scramble Result

Some seriously windy weather on Sunday saw Michael Hay, Stephen Hay and Nigel Scarth Win the 3 Man Texas Scramble medal with a Nett 59.5

Mark Taylor, Steve Jones and Steve Bushby were runner up with a 61.2 Nett

and Brian Cullen, Nigel Dixon and Ray Harker were 3rd.

Adrian Dowson won the Nearest the Pin with a lovely shot into Davy’s.


Cook Shield Result

Another week of good scoring saw Andrew Drinkhall and Robin Smith shoot a Nett 61.

Gary Smithies & Nigel Todd we closely behind in 2nd with also a 61 Nett but Drinkhall and Smith won with a better last 6 holes.

Kim Gates and Mick Money were in 3rd with a 63 Nett.

Craig Hartas had the only 2 for the day so won £35 & Adrian Marshall won the nearest the Pin.


Pink Ladies Members Charity Competition

The Pink Ladies Members Charity competition will take place on Sunday 29th October and tee times are available from 7am until 11am

Entry is £5 CASH per member on the day. £3 of the entry fee will go to the usual sweep, NTP & 2’s. The extra £2 will go straight to the charity, Cancer Research.

Prizes will be awarded for:

  • Overall Winner
  • 1st Gent Pair
  • 2nd Gents Pair
  • 1st Lady Pair
  • 2nd Lady Pair
  • Best Dressed (The pinker the better)

The format of the day is a 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford. This means that you will play with a playing partner of the SAME gender and whoever has the best score on the hole, puts that score down for the team.

Ladies and Gents can share tee times but players must be the same gender for a partner.

To enter, you can book online from 8 days in advance via the ESP online booking system.


Vice Captain 2017/18 Voting Now Open!

Ian Mitchell and Tony Zutshi are your 2 candidates for the 2017/18 Vice Captaincy role.

All male members can vote in the Golf Shop. Information on both gents is available in the shop.

Good luck to both Tony and Ian.

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