Margaret Wright Funeral Arrangements
The Funeral of Margaret Wright will be held at Kirkleatham Crematorium on Tuesday 5th of September at 1pm.
Maureen Smith Passing
It is with deep regret that we announce the death of one of our much loved members Maureen Smith, who passed away earlier this week, leaving behind a much loved family.
More details regarding funeral arrangements etc will be released in due course ,however currently our deepest thoughts are with her family & friends at this time.
Mobile Phones on the Golf Course
Please can I remind all golfers that it is poor etiquette to be seen on your mobile phone on the golf course.
In addition, checking the scores during a competition is not allowed, as it may be deemed as cheating or in some way protecting your handicap.
Macmillan Nurses Golf Results
Yesterday saw a Medal off the white tees played over the Morgans Course and Andrew Smith was crowned the champion with a superb nett 68!
Gary Playforth was the runner up with a nett 71 beating Wayne Britton to second on count-back.
Congratulations to all 80 Players who took part.
Founders Bowl & Stableford this Sunday
This Sunday sees the Founders bowl played alongside a Stableford for non founder members.
The format will be Stableford and it will be a full handicap with men playing off the Whites and Ladies off the Red tees.
Grainger Trophy Spaces for Gents
We have 20 ladies down for the Grainger Trophy this Saturday and 14 Gents so far.
If there are any gent’s that would like to play then please could you put your name on the entry sheet in the gent’s locker room.
A draw will be done on Wednesday afternoon.
Cook Shield Entry Open
Entry will be in the Pro Shop. Both names are to be put down on sign-up along with £20 cash (£10 per man) which covers entry throughout the year.
The format is a 4ball better-ball medal (90% handicap allowance) meaning you play with same partner throughout the competition. If you would like to be paired with a partner, please put your name on the ‘looking for a partner sheet’ in the locker room or let a member of the Hunley Golf Team know and we will try to pair you up with a fellow member.
Vice Captain 2017/18 Nomination Open!
Nominations for the role of Men’s & Ladies Vice Captain for 2017/18 are now open and you’re invited to submit your own nomination via email to me at [email protected]. You can either nominate yourself or anybody that you believe would enjoy the opportunity to be the captain of Hunley!
Nominations close on the Friday 29th September 2017 at Noon. Nominations will then be put to vote for who will be Captain for the 2018/19 season.