Update with Johnny 14/8/18

Update with Johnny 14/8/18

Melbourne Motors

The Melbourne Motors Charity day was played over the weekend. It was great to see 100 players playing despite the weather not being fantastic.

The winner of the day was Neil Featherston with a fantastic 45 points!
Division 1 winner was Malcolm Readman with 42 points.
Division 2 winner was Mick Day with 44 points
Division 3 winner was Colin hill with 43 points.
Julie Hogan took the ladies prize with 37 points.

The real winner of the day was Sue and Tony Darcys chosen Charity, ‘BeLikeTom’. Over £450 was raised on the day and this will go towards putting Heart Defibrillators into the local community. On behalf of Tony and Sue I would like to thank everyone who contributed towards the day!


Malton Mug

Vice Captain Tony Zutshi is organising the Malton Mug this year. It will be held at Castle Eden Golf Club on Friday 21st September. The cost will £38 and first tee off is 10.30. Day includes bacon sandwiches and coffee before play, 18 holes and a 2 course meal after play. The sign up sheet is in the locker room. Please place your name with a £10 deposit to Tony or the Golf Shop.


Walker Cup

Just a reminder that the Walker Cup is this weekend and the draw will be completed on Wednesday 15th August at 5pm. Please enter for the Saturday Only. If you would only like to play one day please let the Golf Shop know. Thank you

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